
My Promise to You

Choosing the right home inspector can be difficult. Unlike most professionals, you probably will not get to meet me until after you hire me. Furthermore, different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods and yes, different pricing. One thing for sure is that a home inspection requires work, a lot of work. Ultimately a thorough inspection depends heavily on the individual inspector’s own effort.

If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home, I guarantee that I will give you my very best effort. This I promise you.

Inspected once, Inspected right! ®


Longmont - 1079 South Hover Street Suite 200 Longmont, Colorado 80501
Aurora - 6105 S Main Street Suite 200 Aurora, Colorado 80016
Westminster - 3181 W 93rd Ave, Westminster, CO 80031
Broomfield - 1100 E. 9th Ave., Broomfield, Co 80020
Thornton - 3181 E. 163rd Pl. Thornton, CO 80602

Copyright 2018 - A Better Home Inspection.